Important race update
So on Tuesday 25th June there was a race committee meeting.
This was made up of 10 people
And myself
We spoke about how selection was done this time and how it can be improved.
We began by discussing the feedback we have had about the process and hearing about the range of conversations that have taken place about it. We did this because we want to be able to improve the experience all round for next time.
We heard that some people didn’t feel prepared enough in terms of time. So we have decided that the next selection will be September 28th till October 6th. There will be a few weekend and weekday evenings where this will be held and we will let you know more detail a month before so you have time to prepare.
We also heard that there was understandable concern that decisions were made by only one or two people. We decided that there will be a minimum of 3 race committee members at each session and the group made a commitment to that.
We heard that people didn’t know enough about the detail of the scoring. We decided that the next selection sessions will be made up of 2000mtrs on the ergo and a session on the water.
Rankings for the ergo will be given as per last time. Your over time and position in the club.
Technique on the water will then be scored.
The scoring for this will be going up in the clubhouse very soon for you all to see.this will be the way it is scored not everyone’s scores. They will remain secret.
If you would like to know your breakdown please just ask.
We will also be taking into account commitment over the last few months, for those currently in race crews.
We aim to do selection every 3/4 months. This to to keep you with other rowers that are at the same level as you.
We hope this will also help you to identify aspects of your technique and fitness that need work and celebrate your successes and mark progress in your learning.
Having regular selection will mean that you can also withdraw for a period of time if you need to focus on other aspects of your life; and gives others who are coming through to competent crew, a chance for a space.
No seat is safe. Everyone has to do this to make it fair on everyone and let everyone have the same opportunity.
Please be aware that this also means you could go down a crew or not even have a seat.
However for the ones who are not in a crew, technique / race ready rows will be put on by a coach or senior cox to help get you race crew ready.
You will not be excluded and you will not be on your own. We are here to help.
This part of the club is only one way to improve and learn. If it doesn’t feel like it’s for you, that’s fine.
We hope this shows that we have listened to your feedback. If there are other concerns that you have, that you feel have not been addressed, then please let us know.
Laura and Will are ladies and men’s captains. Any complaints, any information needed or feedback should go through them.
We also thought about how we will sub into crews when someone is away. We decided that subs for crews will be taken from other crews only to give everyone the maximum chance of learning.
We also thought about training plans and decided that all crews will be training to the same plans. So if you are subbing in for a crew then you will know what is expected of you, as all crews will be doing the same.
And we thought about the men’s B which has not been able to get out and train due to some men withdrawing from racing in the club for personal reasons. We decided that we wanted to actively address this and have luckily had a few very able men join recently, with prior experience of rowing. This means that we can put together a crew and we are delighted.
Regatta day
Ladies A and B crews will be racing on Saturday at sea.
Ladies C will be racing on Sunday in the Head of the Ouse race.
Men’s A and B crews will be racing on Saturday at sea.
There will be mix sprints on the Sunday. Priority for the mixed sprints will go to members who are not in a race crew. Mixed sprints will be 3 men and 3 ladies and we are pulling these crews together too.
Michelle and Fiona are the club’s race secretary’s and are organising and enabling us to participate with other clubs.
If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact us.