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Event - Launch of amelie

Date(s) - 09/03/2019
12:00 pm - 2:15 pm

The shed at the marina

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After many months of hard work we are ready to launch Amelie.

We would like as many people there as possible.
Come along from 12 noon ready to launch at 12.30

There will be a thank you row at 12.45 for the people who have dedicated a lot of time helping get Amelie to this amazing state. Dan will contact you all individually.

Then rows in Amelie will be –
Rachel supervets 13.45,
Scillies ladies at 15.15,
followed by
Scillies men at 17.00

Times may vary on the day.

Fundraising team will be putting in an Easter egg raffle. There will also be food and drink to purchase on the day

So we hope you all can come and be part of it.