With important safety info. Please make sure that you read.
This is from the COGA about another club. This is why we take safety so seriously in our club to avoid this.
if you have any concerns with safety please do contact Martin Rogers our safety officer.
CPGA statement —-/
‘Last Sunday a crew of juniors & cox ended up in the water when, 50yds from shore & beam on, a wave swamped the gig throwing 4 into the water. The remaining crew turned the gig into the swell but another wave swamped the gig & it capsized.
The crew (Life Jackets inflated) & cox got to shore & the gig was recovered, 2 adults who went in to help were taken to hospital.’
These are the basic details & there will be more to come in the future once investigations have been completed.
It serves as a stark reminder about the wearing of LJ’s, local risk assessments & competent coxing.
Thanking you