Come Rowing

Being on the water gives you a fresh perspective of the local area.
See how beautiful it looks from the boat at our photo gallery.
It's a nigh-on perfect environment for rowing in the Ouse Valley.
Being safe and well-lit, means we can go out in most weather and even row at night.
We are really lucky as many other clubs don't have the environment we have, it's a wonder that more people don't use it.

So ready to come rowing?

For everyone rowing, there are a number of important things for you to know

  • For new members looking to join the club you will need to register and complete the PARQ (health questionnaire form).
  • When taster sessions are available you will be notified and you will book on via the row booking system on this website, these cost £5.
  • You will then become part of a learn to row crew.  You will have at least 6 rows to learn the basics of rowing, these are subject to weather conditions and if you are not ready to become competent crew at the end of 6 weeks do not worry you will have further learn to row sessions.
  • It's £4 a seat per row payable using Row Dough, which can be purchased via the website.
  • We provide you with a lifejacket. You need to dress to exercise on the water, please don't wear jeans as they are not suitable and we would recommend trainers as they are usually the most comfortable.  Always bring a drink of water and apply sun cream as appropriate.
  • We have an online membership and row booking system which you can book onto rows when they are available.
  • Your row will show as pending and the Cox responsible for the row will accept you once they have their final crew.
  • Once you have completed your Learn to Row sessions and become competent, technique rows are highly recommended as a follow on to help develop your skills.
  • Open (social) rows are a great way to meet other members of the club and enjoy rowing.
  • Please be aware as a competent rower from time to time rows are rejected this could be due to the weather or that the rows are oversubscribed on that occasion.  Just book on to another row!
  • All rowers must have completed a PARQ form before getting on the boat which looks at your health and personal needs.
If you have questions please contact